Medistating: Living Life on Purpose
Medistating: Living Life on Purpose
Joe Bossen: Healing the community one bean at a time
Joe loves beans. Not just to eat them but what they can do to save the planet. At least his little corner of it. His story is unique in the specifics and universal with the desire to become a better person and more aligned with what he really thinks he's here to do. Going to college, discovering farming, and then the path to sustainability, healing, nourishing, justice and community brought him to beans. Enjoy.
You can support Joe by buying local through Vermont Bean Crafters https://www.vermontbeancrafters.com , All Souls Tortilleria https://www.allsoulsvt.com and Taco Gordo https://www.tacogordovt.com . You can also support his mission by taking care of the earth and helping where you can to create a community that is nurturing and just.