Medistating: Living Life on Purpose
Medistate is a new word that I created. It refers to taking action and pursuing the life you want to live. Medistating means living your life on purpose. Who are we? Why are we here? How do we take what we want to be and make it real? The idea behind the creation of, not only the word Medistate, but this podcast is to share peoples stories, new ideas and perspectives in a variety of ways so that we can all work towards becoming more of who we really want to be.
Medistating: Living Life on Purpose
Gary Beckwith: Solar power. Solar bus. Solar schools.
Season 2
Episode 2
Many of us feel like we could do more to help the people that are closest to us not to mention the community at large. Gary is no different. However, he is doing more regardless of his underlying belief that it isn't enough.
Gary's desire to be helpful was inspirational to me and that is why I reached out to him to share some of his story. Gary reaches many people through his knowledge of solar power, however his big heart and focus on helping people live better lives is what they remember.
You can find Gary at solarbus.org and at longtrailsolar.com and on FB at solar seed project where he shares his work in Haiti!