Medistating: Living Life on Purpose
Medistating: Living Life on Purpose
Compassion without Comprehension
This week it is simple. I am asking for your help and a bit of grace.
I share my thoughts and ideas about an idea I heard on a podcast called Man Enough. Compassion without Comprehension. Their guest was a person named Alok. Alok's idea about compassion without comprehension is simple and at the same time difficult. You do not have to like someone or agree with someone or even respect them. However, you do need to want them to be able to live a life free from violence and hate.
Help comes from you taking the time to listen to and then unlearn the biases and prejudices that you hold onto. The grace I am asking for is about me stumbling through uncomfortable feelings, confusing thoughts and language that I am still striving to understand.
Look up Alok and the Man Enough podcast if you want to hear a conversation that goes deeper into the ideas around living in a world where we can have compassion without comprehension.
Check out this short video about the tree that I mention in podcast!